
Auto Insurance FAQ

Auto Insurance FAQ provided by  Select Source Insurance  Spartanburg SC

Auto Insurance Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What kinds of questions are there when I’m applying for an insurance policy in   South Carolina?  Why do insurers need so much information? 
A: When you apply for an insurance policy at  Select Source Insurance  you will be asked a number of questions. For example, we might ask your name, age, gender, address, etc. You will also be asked a series of other questions which will be used to determine how likely you are to file a claim.

Select Source Insurance   will decide whether or not to offer  car insurance  to you.  We want to know about your previous driving record, whether they have any recent accidents or tickets, and what type of car will need to be insured.

We offer a variety of programs for different customers. Adults with good driving records will generally pay less for car insurance, than young drivers with traffic tickets. In order to determine which program you qualify for, we will need basic information about you.

In addition to your age, gender and driving experience, information about the car you drive, and your driving record, is also needed.  This will help to determine a fair price. For example, a large luxury car costs more to repair or replace than a compact car. Also, someone in  Spartanburg  who commutes 30 miles each way to work is more likely to be in an accident compared to someone who commutes via bus and only drives on weekends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the advantages to using an agent to purchase insurance?
A: By using an independent agent such as  Select Source Insurance,  the policyholder receives more personalized service. Having direct contact with us can be very important when purchasing insurance.  Personal service is absolutely necessary when filing a claim.  Select Source Insurance  is able to deliver quality insurance in  Spartanburg SC, Boiling Springs SC, Inman SC, Inman SC, Duncan SC, Roebuck SC, Moore SC, Reidville SC, and Chesnee,
South Carolina.   We have   competitive pricing and local, customized service.

Car Insurance  Frequently Asked Questions For South Carolina  

Q: I have an older car whose current market value is very low – do I really need to purchase car insurance?
A: These laws were enacted to ensure that victims of car accidents receive compensation when their losses are caused by the actions of a driver who caused the accident.  Often times the cost of repairing the damages to an older car is greater than its value. In these cases, your insurer will usually just “total” the car and give you a check for the car’s market value less than the deductible. Many people with older cars decide not to purchase any physical damage coverage.

Q: What is the difference between collision physical damage coverage and comprehensive physical damage coverage?
A: Collision is defined as losses you incur when your car collides into another car or object. For example, if you hit a car in a parking lot, the damages to your car will be paid under your collision coverage.  However, a deductible usually applies.

Q: What factors can affect the cost of my car insurance in  South Carolina?
A: A number of factors can affect the cost of your car insurance in the upstate.  Some of these factors you can control and some that are beyond your control.

The type of car you drive, the purpose the car serves, your driving record, and where the car is garaged can all affect how much your car insurance will cost you in the upstate.

Even your marital status can affect your cost of insurance. Statistics show that married couples tend to have fewer and less costly accidents than those who are single.

Get in Touch

Insurance agents are not all the same! Choosing the right one can make a big difference – in price, service, and value. Give us a call at (864) 585-8313

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