
Distracted Driving

Avoiding Distracted Driving Could Save Your Life

You are 23 more times likely to get into an accident while distracted driving.


Interactive Distracted Driving Quiz

Distracted Driving – You’ve seen them on the roads; you might even know a few of them.

And you could be one yourself.  Texting and driving even makes good people look bad.

Distracted drivers in come in all shapes, sizes, ages and experience levels. Even if you’re not one today, you could become one at any moment — in the time it takes you to answer your cell phone or check the kids in the back seat when you’re driving through Spartanburg, Boiling Springs or Lyman.

If you or someone else you know thinks you can drive just fine while talking on your phone, think about this:  More than 450,000 people were injured in crashes  that reportedly involved distracted driving in 2009, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  More than 5,000 of those people died .

Distractions on the road come in many forms, according to , a U.S. Department of Transportation website. There are three main kinds of distractions:

The next time you are behind the wheel think about these tips to avoid distracted driving:


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